Christina Katrakis was officially nominated - Ambassador of Foundation for United Nations for International Relations. his high title was awarded by the Foundation for United Nations promoting the SDG agenda, in association with the Center for UNESCO in Bologna and European Council representing the "European Silk Road" project. Christina Katrakis will now combine two official titles: that of an international UN/UnESCO SDG coordinator and that of an official Ambassador of Foundation for United Nations International Relations. This new appointment will cover all countries of the world and will aid in spreading global awareness for the UN/UNESCO/FFUN Sustainable Development Cause and its agenda. It is further stated on the official page of the Foundation for United Nations that: -"International coordinator for the UN/UNESCO SDG program for UNESCO Center of Bologna. Creator of different projects directed to raise awareness and funds for combating covid19. Activist of NON PROFIT organizations aiming to support Sustainable Development. Having Mrs Katrakis declared her desire to contribute to the FFUN objectives by making her experience, contacts and reports available FFUN has appointed Mrs CHRISTINA KATRAKIS as Ambassador for International Relations." |
Christina Katrakis was appointed an official Coordinator and Curator of UNESCO Cultural Programs in Europe This position of an official UNESCO representative was bestowed upon her by the Historical UNESCO Office, in Bologna (UNESCO City of Music and Arts), Italy. As a UNESCO legal agent, Katrakis will coordinate major UNESCO events, including UNESCO art shows and prizes worthy of UNESCO achievements and deeds internationally. It's a great honor and public responsibility, to be chosen to represent UNESCO and its international cultural projects world wide. The work on the "Bridge for Art" UNESCO project for UNESCO Center in Bologna has come to an end on May 5th 2020. |