She who sees her sons, her husband, her father fight and die, defending their home. How can she take the pain, the anger, the despair and transform it into beauty? Transferring tears into jewels, blood into color, shrouds into dresses, bullets into rigs, flags into garments. The beauty of these creations, conceived in such turbulent times and conditions, is truly breathtaking and pure in its nature. It is the very essence of femininity, at times vulnerable, fragile, gentle, romanic and loving, while still strong, brave and revolutionary.
Beauty in the Time of WarThese women fight against bullets and bombs with finest silk and embroidery, they stand against the tanks with blotches of beautiful color. How does the woman artist, fashion designer sees the War?! She, who is the mother, the wife, the daughter? She who sees her sons, her husband, her father fight and die, defending their home. How can she take the pain, the anger, the despair and transform it into beauty? Transferring tears into jewels, blood into color, shrouds into dresses, bullets into rigs, flags into garments. The beauty of these creations, conceived in such turbulent times and conditions, is truly breathtaking and pure in its nature. It is the very essence of femininity, at times vulnerable, fragile, gentle, romanic and loving, while still strong, brave and revolutionary.
The designs are filled with elements of subtle ethnicity, retro longing, dream and hope. Hope that the war will be over and that the beauty will prevail. Even at the time of war, we women, still put on our dresses, we still desire to be beautiful, and our men, now soldiers, more then ever long for moments of beauty, filled with love, care and emotion. Moments which could be last, moments which will lest forever.
These women designers - are courageous artists, who speak up via the beauty of their creations, who fight for peace and unity with the most invincible weapon - their art, who create "Beauty in the Time of War".
Jewelry designer: Sopho Gongliashvili (Georgia)
Leather designer: Anastasia Glotova (Ukraine)
Fashion photographers: Ekaterina Upit, Volodymyr Karpenyuk, Denis Isayev (Ukraine) and Irma Sharikadze (Georgia)
International project manager: Roman Couldlie
International curator:
Christina Katrakis Film presentation: "The War is Now" - Espresso TV, Ukraine - about the war in Ukraine, going on now, as we speak. War trough the eyes of a woman-journalist, who was filming the war live and was severely wounded while filming. Special thanks to: Aleksandra Senko.
Gallerist-curator: Maxine Noth.
Gallery: Haute Presents Gallery, Berlin.
Project: Part of Berlin Alternative Fashion Week Show Room Project.